Avip & Stefan

Avip & Stefan

Saturday 22 March 2008

Account Paypal

Pay Pal adalah cara yang mudah untuk bertransaki kalau kita punya bisnis online international. Dan dengar-dengar kabar Paypal Indonesia telah dibuka

Ayo buruan buka account Paypal dan ikutan Refferal bonusnya.

Cara mudah aja untuk ikutan referral Paypal klik aja banner PayPal dibawah blog saya ini.

What is Pay Pal:

The safer, easier way to pay online

Pay without exposing credit cards numbers to the merchant

Speed to checkout while shopping online

Start Referring Merchants Today — its Easy

Here's how to get started:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account
  2. Get your personalized referral link to send out in emails, add as a banner to your website, or incorporate into your e-commerce application.
  3. Each time a new merchant signs up for a PayPal Business or Premier account via your link or banner, you'll immediately start receiving 0.5% of their payment volume - up to $1,000.00 USD.

Buruan dech buka account PayPal , karena dengan paypal banyak kemudahan yang kita dapat, dan sekalian juga ikut referralnya.

Thursday 20 March 2008


Aku baru aja register di chitika.com, lumayan juga penghasilannya..udah dapat bayaran via pay pal. (ps. Pay pal juga juga program referral..lumayan bonusnya)

Ini cara Register Chitika:

klik banner yang ada di link kiri website saya kemudian pilih Apply

  1. isi kolom yang informasi yang dibutuhkan!! Penting Monthly Page Impressions minimal 10.000-50.000
  2. untuk kolom pembayaran bisa melalui Pay Pal atau dibayar dengan check.
  3. Tunggu 1 hari di email anda untuk menunggu kalau applya kita sebagai publisher


Setelah 1 hari chitika akan mengirimkan email konfirmasi isinya kurang lebih seperti ini:

Thank you for your application for Chitika eMiniMalls beta. We are excited to tell you that you've been approved to start using eMiniMalls on: http://avipfashiongarment.blogspot.com. Welcome aboard!

To get started, simply copy & paste the following HTML into your website code & you'll be on your way: (codenya off the record)

Nanti kita dikasih code yang harus dimasukkan di HTML kalau yang pakai Blogspot com..copy paste di HTML/JavaScript, supaya chitika tahu bahwa iklan tersebut kita yang pasang..biasaya dikode ada user ID kita

Setelah itu kita pilih dech…model iklan mana yang mau dipublish oleh kita:

1. eMiniMalls Code

Supaya iklannya maksimal kamu harus masukkan Keywords yang pas dari blog atau website kamu dan kamu bisa merubah warna dari Text, border atau Tagnya yang sesuai dengan Blog kamu

2. RPU Cod

3. Referral

Monday 17 March 2008

Adbrite, Chitika, entireweb

Dibanned oleh Google??? No way!!!

Untuk anda yang sudah dibanned oleh Google adsense, gak usah patah arang dan down Masih ada alternatif lain untuk dapat penghasilan sampingan melaui blog yang anda buat yaitu dengan:

1. Adbrite

Selain itu Adbrite dapat menerima blog dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Adbrite adalah program periklanan yang ditujukan untuk pemilik website/blog menjual space/ruang iklan di halaman website/blog. Sementara sebelum ada advertiser yang ingin pasang iklan di website/blog kita, adbrite akan menampilkan space kosong dengan tulisan Your Ad Here. Dan apabila kita ingin, sementara belum ada pemasang iklan, kita bisa menampilkan adn etwork dari adbrite yang akan menampilkan iklan berbasis CPC (Cost per Click) atau CPM (Cost per Impression). Jadi meskipun space kita belum ada yang beli, sementara waktu kita bisa memperoleh penghasilan dari ad network nya adbrite. Itulah sebabnya kenapa kadangkala kalo kita membuka website/blog kita, iklan adbrite nggak muncul, hanya muncul tulisan Your Ad Here, itu artinya kita sedang menjual ruang itu dan belum ada yang mau pasang iklan disitu.

Kalo di adbrite base nya bukan per click tapi berapa lama iklan itu mau di taruh di website anda.

2. Chitika

Ini juga mudah untuk registernya, tapi sayangnya Cuma untuk blog yang berbahasa Inggris

3. Entireweb

Entireweb, adalah speedyads, jadi mudah dan cepat untuk pasang iklannya, ini adalah company yang berasal dari eropa..jadi friendlylah…. Dan iklannya bisa dipasang diblog yang berbahasa Indonesia jadi nggak perlu khawatir yang Cuma blog berbahasa Indonesia, penghasilannya lumayan, aku udah coba. nanti aku tulis lebih lengkap lagi mengenai Entireweb....tapi ya itu kadang iklannya nggak pas....dipaksain

disini ada gambaran traffic mulai dari page impression, earning dll secara grafik.

Saturday 15 March 2008

How to Make Money with Your Blog Site

If you do decide to generate income from your blog, then don’t be shy about it. If you’re going to put up ads, then really put up ads. If you’re going to sell products, then really sell them. Create or acquire the best quality products you can, and give your visitors compelling reasons to buy.

How to Make Money with Your Blog Site

Google AdSense

or every click on Google AdSense contextual ads, the publishing sites receives credit for a small amount of money, while Google keeps an undisclosed amount of the total advertising share. Though many lament lack of relevance for the ads and little return for the increased info clutter on their pages — many silent publishers — probably the ones who consciously make less noise about this, are making serious money with this program.

Just try first to open www.blogspot.com ini adalah special web yang dibuat oleh google.

Google AdSense

AdSense is by far the best, most rewarding monetization resource for blogs, news sites and small, content-rich information sites. Google offers AdSense, a service that lets independent publishers, bloggers and news site owners to publish text-based, context-relevant ads next to the content on their sites. This is done automatically without you, the publisher, having to worry about anything else except putting small-sized code inside each of your Web pages.

For every click on Google AdSense contextual ads, the publishing sites receives credit for a small amount of money, while Google keeps an undisclosed amount of the total advertising share. Though many lament lack of relevance for the ads and little return for the increased info clutter on their pages — many silent publishers — probably the ones who consciously make less noise about this, are making serious money with this program.

What few understand, is that to make AdSense work for you ($$),it involves strategic work. Just placing the code on your pages isn't enough. The focus of your site, the way the content is organized, the way web pages are coded, the titles you use and the color and position you select for placing your AdSense ads on your Web pages all make a difference to the results you get. Significant.

What is important is that different rules apply to different types of pages and content. So no set of rules equally apply to all sites. The key is for the publisher to keep questioning the integration of contextual, text-based ads by doing systematic, ongoing testing, experimentation and optimization. For a focused blogger, this can mean from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month. For a dedicated publisher covering high-paying information areas, it is possible to get into the 5-digit range without any major investments and with a relatively short time-to-market. I am not talking about a blogger in the traditional sense, but rather to focused and very professional independent information resources like SearchEngineWatch.com or Paidcontent.org, for example.

AdSense offers also the opportunity to monetize site searches while providing a powerful, lightning-fast search engine for your own site at no extra cost. By providing search-relevant ads on your site's search results pages. Google AdSense adds another great opportunity to monetize premium service and access with relevant text-based information about products and services.

Too bad Google AdSense doesn't let you select your contextual advertisers from its inventory.

Ini ada lagi beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan uang (money) from your blog..tapi belum saya coba.

2) Blog ads

Blogads is an effective solution for taking control of your advertisers and comparing your profit share with your online ad agency.

3) Amazon Associates

The Amazon Associates program lets independent online publishers with the opportunity to promote any product in Amazon's inventory as affiliate agents.

4) Text Links

5) Premium Content Sponsorships

Selling sponsored space is another option for the independent publisher. While this was associated with prominent flashy banner ads, this is changing and expanding in many ways. In my view, the successful strategy is to use selected and relevant sponsors to introduce, give access or extend the value offered by premium content.

A relevant product or service can sponsor a news channel or RSS feed. Sponsors can also sponsor a rich section of additional related content to a standard article. Having a resourceful bibliography or annotated resources section in your next ebook or mini-guide is also fertile ground to effectively showcase relevant sponsors.

6) Related Reports

Another opportunity should see more in the near future is affiliate marketing of related research reports. For sites that cover specific industry or niche topics, this is an opportunity to play an effective marketing role for research clearinghouses and large publishers of intelligence reports, analyst insider briefings, white papers and research findings.

7) Affiliate Sales

8) Online Guides and E-Books

9) Bookstore Distribution and POD Publishing

10) Merchandising

11) Collections - Anthologies - Compilations - Curated content on CD-ROM

12) Paid Assignment

13) Donations

More info : http://www.masternewmedia

Monday 18 February 2008

Free Website & Get Money from your Blog

What do you need for start earning money :

Do you want to create blog for get money” How to create blog, make it popular and make money on it?

You need for starting, just simple and don’t need to much money for this

1. Internet
2. Braines
3. Blog, it is easy, just create an account on http://www.blogspot.com . create a blog is very easy and simple just try it

4. have
a target. You need a target, dream or point, where you need to get with your blog or project. My target is to create good, popular blog and earn money for

From this